
Showing posts from August, 2018

TA: How to test a simple WebApp

When building a solution for mobile users there are a bunch of solutions to choose from. Responsive Website, Progressive Web App, Android/iOS WebApp or Android/iOS App. All come with advantages and disadvantages. If you have a website that is responsive it's very easy to turn this into a (webview) WebApp. But do you need to test this? And if so, how do you test this? Android WebApp Let's look at a simple Android WebApp example. We now just turned a simple website into a Android WebApp. You will notice you can navigate through the website and when you use the phone back button, it will first navigate back on the website itself unless your at the initial loaded page, in which case it will close the WebApp. It looks just like the regular website, but can we test it the same way? And/Or can we test the responsive website and assume the webapp works just as fine as the webview app? To test or not to test? If you have a simple website, only testing the responsive website ...