
Showing posts from June, 2014

The monthly Android version battle

Introduction For my work at spriteCloud I started collecting data about the different Android versions. For me it is just fun to see how new versions come and go, but for testing purposes this is valuable data since you can sort of predict what version will become the next big thing so this will give you focus. Testing on all available devices or versions is on some projects just not an option. If test automation is not in place you will lack in human resources, but even if this in place a project can also lack in financial resources. In that case it's wise to combine these free published statistics together with the website/app statistics in order to figure out what Android version should get priority. Show me the numbers Below you will find a ranking of the current statistics that I've collected and compared those to the previous month. After that I'll talk a bit about each version and the couse it will probably take. The prediction is based upon previous collected...