Website Test Automation with Ruby - A Beginners Guide (blog forecast)
The past
During my time at spriteCloud I got my first experience with Test Automation. A crash course in test automation and some days later, I started to write some Gherkin scenario's and test scripts for my own project. SpriteCloud developed a Ruby gem called lapis_lazuli. If you're not familiar with Ruby, it's a plug-in/add-on/extension. This lapis_lazuli gem makes life easier especially for beginners, but I'll explain more about that in one of the next blog posts.
The present
These days I work for Mproof to test their new product called Service-Hub. And I'm no test automation master (yet), but I've gained quiet some experience by now and are quiet familiar with the Ruby + Cucumber combination. Still almost every day I learn something new. So I thought it would be nice to share.
For you and for me
Since the internet is a bit of a jungle of information. You will easily loose time researching an issue that has already been encountered/resolved before. Therefore I thought it would be nice to start sharing my knowledge and experiences with you all. Not only to teach people about the Ruby + Cucumber combination, but also as a reference guide for myself. I'll try to provide examples based on what helped me, but don't be shy and let me know how I can improve my knowledge sharing.
For you and for me
Since the internet is a bit of a jungle of information. You will easily loose time researching an issue that has already been encountered/resolved before. Therefore I thought it would be nice to start sharing my knowledge and experiences with you all. Not only to teach people about the Ruby + Cucumber combination, but also as a reference guide for myself. I'll try to provide examples based on what helped me, but don't be shy and let me know how I can improve my knowledge sharing.
The future (blog forecast)
For just a bit more than a year I've learned so many things. At first I just wanted to tell you about this lapis_lazuli gem and how it helps me and some lessons learned, but where to start? So I came up with the idea to just go over the whole process from absolute beginner to novice. There are many topics to cover, but here's what I had in mind:
For just a bit more than a year I've learned so many things. At first I just wanted to tell you about this lapis_lazuli gem and how it helps me and some lessons learned, but where to start? So I came up with the idea to just go over the whole process from absolute beginner to novice. There are many topics to cover, but here's what I had in mind:
- How test automation works - the big picture
- Installation of the browsers and drivers
- Edge
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Installation of Ruby + Devkit and gems
- Ruby
- Devkit
- lapis_lazuli (+ watir & selenium-webdriver) gem
- Usage of tools and editors
- Editors
- Browser development tools
- Comparison between the watir, selenium-webdriver and lapis_lazuli gems
- Start up a browser
- Interact with a browser
- Interact with elements
- Gherkin basics
- What is Gherkin
- How to write scenario's
- Why scenario's should stay readable
- Lessons learned
- Ruby + Cucumber - The basics (File structure and purpose explained)
- Config (config, cucumber, devices)
- Features (.feature files, step definitions, support)
- Logs
- Results (HTML/JSON)
- Screenshots
- Storage
- .gitignore
- Gemfile
- Run it!
- Ruby gem lapis_lazuli - The basics
- Create a project out of nothing
- Create/Adjust scenario's and steps
- Create/Adjust helper files
- Lessons learned
- Bundler and the Gemfile
- Lessons learned and tips
- Selenium-grid - Simple setup
- Hub
- Node(s)
- Capabilities
- env.rb
- Parallel testing
- Basic principles
- Lessons learned so far
- Azure VM's
- Visual Studio Code
- Appium
This forecast might change a bit over time, but it looks like I have work to do. If you have any suggestions you would like to see covered, let me know. I'll start writing the next post.
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