Android statistics: July 2018

Finally new statistics have been released by Google. They skipped June and most of July and I think they forgot to update this page until I asked them about it. So what changed since the published Android statistics of May 2018? Does Oreo have more market share than KitKat? Will Nougat keep on gaining market share or did it reach it's peak? Let's find out, here are the facts.

Statistics, facts and trends

Versions over time

Click to expand versions over time image.
Facts about the Android versions compared to previous month:
  • The landscape is now a jungle of versions with no outstanding dominant version and three versions around +-10% market share
  • Android 8.1 finally started to gain some significant market share
  • Android 8.0 is goin up fast (past Android 4.4 & 7.1)
  • Android 7.1 is still increasing in market share, passed Android 4.4 now
  • Android 7.0 was expected to stay stable a bit longer, but is decreasing
  • Android 6.0 and 5.1 are decreasing in market share with +- 1% per full month
  • Android 5.0 and 4.4 are decreasing as well, but at a lower pace

Codenames over time

Click to expand codenames over time image.
Facts about the Android codenames compared to previous month:
  • Android Oreo passed KitKat and has a steady increase in market share
  • Android Nougat is staying stable at the top
  • Android Marshmallow and Lollipop have a steady line downwards
    • It will take +- 1 year before these reach 10-15% market share
  • Android KitKat is decreasing and it will take +- 6 months before it will reach 5%

General trends

No general trend changes from previous post.
  • OS upgrades are still not very common and therefore the jungle of different versions remains
  • New Android versions take about one to two months after release before we see them appearing in the statistics
  • It takes at least 6 months after first appearance in the statistics to gain +- 5% market share
  • For each codename, from the point it has 5% to the point it's on the #1 position takes about 1 year
  • It can take up to a year after the version/codename has reached it's full potential before it starts to show a steady decrease in market share
  • Steady decreasing versions will decrease +- 10% market share per year
  • Decreasing versions that have reached the 10% market share line, will decrease +-5% in the following year


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